fbpx ScreenLine | FINESTRE NURITH
info@nurith.it (+39) 099 821 71 11
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ScreenLine® SL20-22B is a patented magnetic system, with manual movement, with the simple objective of regulating the Venetian blinds inserted in the double glazing, with a cavity of 20mm or 22mm.

Rotation of the knob applied to the glass at the bottom of the blid transmits movement from the lower caisson to the upper one, through two angle brackets with angle transmission and a hexagonal shaft, totally contained and hidden in the side conduit.

The SL20-22B system has been designed specifically for its application on structural facades or windowsills, as the control unit is easy to reach and ready to hand.  In time it guarantees the characteristics of insulation, providing protection against dirt and atmospheric agents.  The kit may also be assembled and transported with the blinds completely folded in a quick and practical manner.


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