PVC profiles for the caissons by FINESTRENURITH have been especially designed to allow for their use in different situations, in the case of new buildings and also renovation work. In the latter case, brickwork can be avoided by intervenig with an external insulation solution on the old caisson, acting as a counterframe.
The "Microlift" or "turnstile wrench" is available for movement of the shutters. On request, the caisson can be supplied without shutter movement.
Copyright © 2018 NURITH S.p.A. | C.F./P.Iva: 01785690734 | CCIAA: 95995 | Cap. soc. 780.000,00 € i.v.
74013 Ginosa (Taranto) - Italy | Contrada S. Maria D'Attoli | Tel. +39.099.8217111 | Phone: 800 211 972 | eMail: info@nurith.it
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