On 16th June we will be in PERUGIA with our Accredited Partner "CASALOFT" for the event "INFOPROGETTO" on the topic "THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION: designing and requalifying the building-plant in a sustainable key"
The appointment is at the Hotel Giò in viale Ruggiero D'Andreotto, 19 in PERUGIA from 09:00 to 18:00.
FREE event. Training credits for the professionals from this field.
The event will be in collaboration with professional orders.
6 PTC awarded to the architects that participate
5 PTC awarded to indusrial experts that participate
The FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION: designing and requalifying the building-plant in a sustainable key.
During the day topics on construction requalification and the methods and projects of construction will be discussed.
Casaloft srls
Via delle Industrie - Z.I. Ovest - 06083 Bastia Umbra (Pg)
Tel.333/1349879 - Fax 075/8012295
How to get to the event: evento
E45/SS3bis towards Perugia/Firenze
Exit Perugia towards Perugia/Firenze
Exit Perugia-Prepo towards Prepo
Take the SS75bis, Via M. Angeloni and Via Ruggero D'Andreotto until you reach the final destination.
Copyright © 2018 NURITH S.p.A. | C.F./P.Iva: 01785690734 | CCIAA: 95995 | Cap. soc. 780.000,00 € i.v.
74013 Ginosa (Taranto) - Italy | Contrada S. Maria D'Attoli | Tel. +39.099.8217111 | Phone: 800 211 972 | eMail: info@nurith.it
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