Discover why you should choose our products, the design, quality and guarantee. Here are 5 Reasons why you should choose FINESTRENURITH
For more than 30 years FINESTRENURITH has found in PVC windows the best choice for the creation of quality windows with excellent technical characteristics in terms of thermal insulation and acoustic insulation. Our windows are made from certified and 100% recyclable PVC, with a long life cycle. PVC windows have the huge advantage that they do not require any extraordinary maintenance...
is at your complete disposal!
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An Accredited Partner will help you!
In the latest report drawn up by the Environmental Commission of the Chamber, the Inland Revenue has applied deductions for an amount of 1,060 million, corresponding to an investment of 16,165 million, 23.8% more than 2015
[source ilsole24ore – news of 12th September 2016]
On 13th September we will be in Ancona.
FINESTRENURITH with Agenzia Fulvio Rossi offers services for professionals in the field of windows and constructions. The topic of the Event "INFOPROGETTO" is "THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTIONS: developing and requalifying the building-plant in a sustainable key".
The appointment is at the 'NH HOTEL of ANCONA, in via Rupi di Via XX Settembre, 14 from 9:00 till 17:00.
On 16th June we will be in PERUGIA with our Accredited Partner "CASALOFT" for the event "INFOPROGETTO" on the topic "THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION: designing and requalifying the building-plant in a sustainable key"
The appointment is at the Hotel Giò in viale Ruggiero D'Andreotto, 19 in PERUGIA from 09:00 to 18:00.
FREE event. Training credits for the professionals from this field. Register
On 17th June we will be in MILAN with our Accredited Partner "PORTAS M.D.B." fo the event "INFOPROGETTO" on the topic "THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION: designing and requalifying the building-plant in a sustainable key"
The appointment is at Palazzo delle Stelline, in corso Magenta, 64 a Milan, from 09:00 to 18:00.
FREE event. Training credits for all specialised professionals.
On 19th May 2016 we will be in CATANZARO with "GIGLIOTTI" for the "INFOPROGETTO" event on the topic of "THE FUTURE OF CONSTRUCTION: designing and requalifying the building-plant in a sustainable key"
The appointment is at the Grand Hotel Paradiso from 09:00 to 18:00.
FREE event. Training credits for specialised professionals.
Copyright © 2018 NURITH S.p.A. | C.F./P.Iva: 01785690734 | CCIAA: 95995 | Cap. soc. 780.000,00 € i.v.
74013 Ginosa (Taranto) - Italy | Contrada S. Maria D'Attoli | Tel. +39.099.8217111 | Phone: 800 211 972 | eMail: info@nurith.it
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